
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Re-Invention of Kamala Harris [Up Against the Wall]

This is an opinion piece. Yep, the re-invention of Kamala has begun. She’s border czar, err, no she’s not. She’s Biden’s partner in crime, err I mean, partner in governing the country and his policies, err, nope, ahh, she had nothing to do with Biden’s disastrous policies. Do you have whiplash yet? I can’t wait to see how they straddle this fence - either she’s been Grandpa Joe’s partner in crime, so to speak, or, if not, then she didn’t do anything for four years and doesn’t have the experience to be president. Which is it? From their perspective, the lies don’t matter. Just keep repeating them because at least 36% of voters will believe it. Don’t tell me it’s not flushing democracy down the toilet when the Dems bully their presumptive nominee - who got the votes - to exit the election, and, the same day, the party elites embrace Harris as their nominee when she didn’t get even one vote, not one. And the convention is not for another few weeks. Speaking of lies and more lie

Voting YES on Wisconsin Referendum Questions Ensures Your Voice Is Heard

This is an opinion piece by Ty Bodden about the Wisconsin referendum questions. As the Aug. 13 primary election approaches, I am being asked by more and more people about how to vote on the two referendum questions. I’m educating voters on the importance of saying “YES” to both on the primary ballot. These questions are key to restoring our state’s constitutional foundations as originally intended by our founders. With billions of your hard-earned dollars on the line, don’t you deserve to know where they are being spent? Don’t you deserve a voice in your state government to influence how those dollars are allocated? By voting “YES” to both Wisconsin August referendum ballot questions, you can ensure that your voice is heard. The first question reads, “Shall section 35 (1) of article IV of the constitution be created to provide that the legislature may not delegate its sole power to determine how moneys shall be appropriated?” This question aims to ensure that the legislature

Google's Autofill Search Results Don't Show Trump Assassination Attempt, Shooting

Google's autofill search results don't show the Donald Trump assassination attempt or shooting as concerns about big tech interference in the 2024 election grows. The revelation went viral on X on July 28, with Donald Trump Jr. writing , "Big Tech is trying to interfere in the election AGAIN to help Kamala Harris. We all know this is intentional election interference from Google. Truly despicable." We tried it. It's true that the Google autofill doesn't deliver search results related to "Trump assassination attempt," "Trump shooting" or "Trump shot" when you type those terms or part of them into the Google search function. The same happens when you type "Trump fight," to find, say, the famous Trump fight video. When you Google "Trump fight" you get nothing in the autofill, either. "Trump fi" produces "Trump first impeachment" in the Google autofill. And when you type "Trump butl

Threats against Jewish and Other Israel Supporters at UWM Must Be Met by Enforcing University Rules

This is an opinion piece by UWM Professor Shale Horowitz. UWM’s anti-Israel student groups are now openly threatening Jews and others who support Israel’s existence and right of self-defense—posting on Instagram on Friday, July 19, “ANY organization or entity that supports Israel is not welcome at UWM. This includes the local extremist groups such as Hillel, Jewish Federation, etc. We refuse to normalize extremists and extremist groups walking around our campus…. Any organization that has not separated themselves from Israel will be treated accordingly as extremist criminals. Stay tuned.” These are the same student groups that UWM Chancellor Mark Mone has been supporting. In a May 12 agreement to end the illegal anti-Israel encampment, Mone officially endorsed the student groups’ lies about Israel and supported the anti-Israel boycott; partnered with the groups to promote future activities at UWM; and promised that he would not take action against the students who had violated t

Wisconsin, Please Listen: Kamala Harris & Her Radical Agenda Are Bad For Our State

This is an opinion piece by AmyRose A. Murphy. If you were to define success as catering to the fringe whims of the far-left and putting our children's future in harm's way, Kamala Harris would be the most accomplished politician in American history. For the last three years, Kamala has acted as the behind-the-scenes enabler for the radical Democrat mob, making our country weak and dangerous. Through the disastrous Biden administration, Kamala helped waste our nation's money, open our border to criminals, and stood idly by as an unprecedented drug epidemic ravages our communities. Under the Biden-Harris administration, Wisconsinites have experienced soaring home prices and record-breaking electricity and gas prices . With prices having risen 19.9 percent since Biden and Harris took office, the average Wisconsin household is losing over $970 a month. As a hard-working mother, it is tough to make ends meet. On top of inflation and sky-high prices, our neighbor

Was Kamala Harris the 'Border Czar'? [FACT CHECK]

Key takeaways: The media are positioning whether Kamala Harris was the "border czar" as a  fact, when it is a matter of opinion. Some media outlets have adopted the stance that helps Harris in her campaign most and are falsely presenting it as a fact, which disadvantages Donald Trump. Although it's true she did not formally hold that title, mainstream media outlets called Harris the "border czar" in the past, not just Republicans. The term "czar" has been used for decades by legacy media and politicians to describe people tasked with overseeing major policy questions for presidents, first appearing in 1832. The Biden administration was criticized for a lack of clarity over Harris' role when it was first announced. Although it's true Harris was tasked with overseeing the administration's efforts to solve root causes of immigration, experts see that issue as integrally connected to what happens at the border. The med

Wisconsin Referendum: Liberals Spend Over $1 Million to Fool Voters Into Voting No

Voting YES on the Wisconsin referendum questions is good government. That's because voting YES stops a single partisan Wisconsin politician - of either party - from having the sole power to spend billions of dollars in federal taxpayer money. This is an opinion piece. Liberal aligned groups are spending more than $1 million to try to fool Wisconsin voters into voting no on the two Wisconsin referendum questions that are on the Aug. 13 ballot. Actually, voting YES and YES. would restore checks and balances and fiscal sanity to Wisconsin government. According to , a shadowy group called Protect Wisconsin’s Constitution has purchased more than $1 million in TV ads to try to convince people to vote no. The ad buy makes a series of misleading statements about the two state referendums. The massive ad buy is in addition to the $115,000 that a partially union-funded group is spending to try to trick people into voting no. Again, the good government approach

Wauwatosa Spends $368,000 on Large Park TROLL by Danish Artist [EXCLUSIVE]

The other day, we received a tip from a concerned citizen who said that the City of Wauwatosa's Tourism Commission was blowing $368,000 on a large garden gnome. Could this possibly be true? It turns out it is, although it's more accurately described as a "troll" holding a "bouquet of lampposts," and it's going up in a park. The Danish artist Thomas Dambo bases his works "on ideas and philosophy of recycling and including the surrounding environment in his works," the draft contract between Dambo and the city Tourism Commission reads. Dambo marks his sculptures on a "live troll map." His website explains, "I'm Thomas Dambo, Danish recycling artist. Our world is drowning in trash while we are running out of natural resources. In 2011 I quit my job to become an artist and follow my mission to 'Waste no more...' I give new life to discarded materials by turning them into large-scale artworks." We contacted

Wisconsin Referendums: Democrats Are Trying to Trick People Into Voting No

Wisconsin referendums explained: Giving a single Democrat the ability to blow through billions of taxpayer dollars however they want? What could possibly go wrong?! This is an opinion piece. Democrats are trying to trick people into voting no on the two state referendums on the Aug. 13 ballot. The conservative position is to vote YES , unless you're happy with the way leftist Gov. Tony Evers spends COVID (and other federal money) like a drunken sailor. One shadowy group involved in pushing for the no votes has $115,000 to play with, and some of its money is coming from unions, according to its July campaign finance report The advocacy is coming from a cluster of liberal-aligned groups. Again: Democrats - including the state Democratic Party - want you to vote no. Republicans - and independents and people who think there should be more voices at the table when it comes to spending billions of dollars in federal money - want you to vote yes. For example, did you kno

Trump Beats Biden - And It’s Not Even Election Day Yet! [Up Against the Wall]

This is an opinion call. So, Trump, be proud; you’ve been vindicated! Stand tall. Act Presidential. But dang it. I had my column all written this Sunday morning and then Biden announces that he’s not running for re-election, so now I need re-write the whole thing…. So, Biden is out. (Did anyone tell Biden?) Helen says they’ll tell him when he wakes up from his nap. Let’s face it, since it’s pile on Biden time… is it possible, albeit not proven, that all his white House handlers had to do was to either a.) tell Biden that he decided the prior day not to run for re-election and the guy wouldn’t even know it, or b.) get him to sign the letter (a/k/a Colonial Potter style on MASH) they wrote saying that he won’t run again? Would he even know the difference? A lot of Americans (my friends; what few I have) are asking - so how does this work? Well, since the Democrats have decided to nullify their own elections (the primaries and caucuses in which Biden was selected.) (Talking po

Sen. Tammy Baldwin Says Biden Presidency Is 'One of the Most Successful' in Generations

Tammy Baldwin praised the "accomplishments" of the Biden administration. Editor's note: This story was first published on June 19. We have republished it, now that President Joe Biden has announced that he is not running for reelection. Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin insists that the Joe Biden presidency is "one of the most successful administrations in generations." “In terms of legislative accomplishments, it is one of the most successful administrations in generations," Baldwin told the liberal blog Recombobulation Area in mid-June 2024. "And passing legislation that will have generational impact, that will unfold over the next decade, is really striking." She also said she "loved" the Milwaukee mayor and county executive and enjoys working with them on housing and other issues. She said she wanted people having mental health crises to get "services, not jail." Baldwin said her criticism of the Biden c

Hawley: Whistleblowers Say Trump’s Security Detail Was Unprepared, Inexperienced

(The Center Square) – Multiple whistleblowers have come forward telling U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., that many working as part of former President Donald Trump’s security detail at a rally in Pennsylvania one week ago weren’t Secret Service and were “unprepared and inexperienced personnel,” Hawley says. The accusation comes after the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, on which Hawley sits, announced it will conduct a bipartisan investigation into the July 13 assassination attempt of Trump. Multiple whistleblowers contacted his office “with disturbing new information behind the assassination attempt on the former president,” he said. They did so after Hawley opened a whistleblower tip line, pledging to protect the anonymity of everyone who contacts his office. Whistleblowers are encouraged to make protected disclosures by calling (202) 224-6154 or emailing . In response to the information he has received so far, Hawley

Republican Senator Calls on Biden's Immediate Resignation

(The Center Square) – A Tennessee Republican senator called for President Joe Biden to resign immediately after the 81-year-old dropped out of the presidential race early Sunday afternoon.   U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn said Biden must resign as president.  "If Joe Biden is too weak to stay in the race for the presidency, he should RESIGN as our Commander-in-Chief immediately," she wrote in a post on X.  Democrats praised Biden's work in office.  "President Biden has been an extraordinary, history-making president – a leader who has fought hard for working people and delivered astonishing results for all Americans," California Gov. Gavin Newsom wrote. "He will go down in history as one of the most impactful and selfless presidents." California Governor Gavin Newsom announces his revised May 2024 budget proposal. Office of the Governor of California Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, said the first debate bet

Kamala Harris Named Nation's Most Liberal U.S. Senator in Recent Ranking

Was Vice President Kamala Harris the most liberal U.S. Senator? Is it true? According to a recent ranking, yes. In an Aug. 12 interview, President Donald Trump said that he believes U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris is a "disaster. She is going to be a disaster I think for their party." The ranking is even more educational now, with President Joe Biden announcing on July 21 that he is dropping out of the presidential race and endorsing Harris to be the Democrat Party's nominee. Harris, Trump claimed, is "super liberal. I heard she is the most liberal person in Congress. More liberal than Bernie Sanders." Trump added, "I have to win the election because Kamala is a socialist." Of former vice president Joe Biden, who recently chose the California senator as his running mate, Trump said, "He’s been brought over. I guess he’s a socialist, I guess if you asked him what a socialist means, he wouldn’t give you an answer. He has no clue." Is Trump rig

Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race: Won't Seek Re-Election

President Biden drops out of presidential race. President Joe Biden announced on July 21 that he is dropping out of the presidential race and won't seek another term. However, he isn't resigning as president. Read his letter here: In the letter, Biden wrote, “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term. Added Biden, “I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.”

Trump Found His Inner Reagan Last Night, But the Biased Media Won't Admit It

This is an opinion column. Over at CNN, they didn’t even make Trump's RNC speech the top story. It’s as if the media had buried the story of Ronald Reagan, on the hospital stretcher, telling Nancy, “Honey I forgot to duck.” President Donald Trump found his inner Ronald Reagan last night. He finally did what many of us – even those of us who’ve voted for him four times since 2016 – were hoping he would do. Pivot. Be presidential. Inspire. Nicked by an assassin’s bullet, a somehow different (more likable or humbled?) but equally resolute and sometimes very (typically) funny Trump gave a presidential (candidate’s) speech that was incredible by historic proportions. I met Trump in person for a couple of minutes before his Racine, Wisconsin, rally and found him to be gracious and very likable, to be clear. But he showed more of that side on Thursday night. The first 30 minutes of his speech, in which he, with emotion-tinged voice, softly recounted the assassination attempt in