
Showing posts from February, 2024

Democratic Psyop? Robin Vos Recall Effort Supported By Democrats

Is the recall Robin Vos effort a Democratic psyop to help Democrats seize control of the Legislature and turn Wisconsin into California? The failed candidates behind the effort to recall Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos are bragging that Democrats are involved in the recall effort. They say Democrats are "excited" to help oust Vos. They told a Democratic County Party that they would "really love your help," Wisconsin Right Now has documented. In other words, the recall organizers are counting on DEMOCRATS joining their effort to get enough signatures against Vos. They are trying to oust the Republican leader from a district that won't exist in a few months, right as his redistricting talents are needed by Republicans more than ever before to retain control of the Legislature under Tony Evers' partisan legislative maps. The recall organizers aren't hiding this. They are bragging about it. Openly. Recall organizer Matthew Snorek, a failed B

Wisconsin Republican Dan Knodl Announces Run for 24th Assembly District

Wisconsin State Senator Dan Knodl (R-Germantown) has announced plans to run for the State Assembly this fall in the 24th Assembly District. "Knodl won a recent special election in the State Senate and is now paired with Senator Duey Stroebel after new redistricting maps were signed in to law last week," a press release from Knodl says. “It has been my honor to serve in the State Senate, but this decision makes sense given the new district boundaries. The 24th Assembly District is my home. I can continue to represent my hometowns of Menomonee Falls and Germantown without having to engage in a costly primary with Senator Stroebel, who is a very respected, conservative member of the Senate,” said Knodl. Knodl, who was first elected to the Assembly in 2008, "said he is proud of his record and accomplishments, but feels there is still much to be done," according to the release. “I am most proud of the work I did in the past few sessions to completely eliminat

Milwaukee Police Seek Protester Who Punched Cop at Tammy Baldwin Fundraiser

Milwaukee police are seeking the suspect who they say struck a police officer at a fundraiser for U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin. Hounded for weeks by pro-Palestinian protesters, Baldwin recently flipped and supported a ceasefire that would prevent Israel from defending itself in the wake of the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks. Things escalated outside a Baldwin event on February 18. "Milwaukee Police are investigating a Battery of a Police Officer that occurred on February 18, 2024, at approximately 12:49 p.m., on the 200 block of W. Wisconsin Ave," police wrote on February 27, releasing pictures of the suspect. [caption id="attachment_162075" align="alignnone" width="1200"] The Tammy Baldwin protester.[/caption] The suspect is described as a Caucasian female, who is approximately 30 years of age, 5’8”, and 200 pounds with a large build. She has long black hair and a medium complexion. She was last seen wearing a long black coat, a gray shirt, de

Tammy Baldwin Voted Against Kate's Law, Supported Weaker Penalties for Terrorists, Felons Crossing Border Illegally

This is part 2 in a continuing series exploring U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s stances on illegal immigration. Read part 1 here (Baldwin demanded the release of transgender illegal immigrants into communities). U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisconsin, voted against a bill that would have created tougher criminal penalties for terrorists and aggravated felon illegal immigrants who are repeatedly deported but cross the border illegally again. It was called "Kate's Law." As the country faces a crisis at its border, we have decided to educate voters on Baldwin's illegal immigration record. Conservative businessman Eric Hovde is running against her. For years, she has been voting against efforts to get tough on illegal immigration and border security. Kate's law is an example of this. Baldwin voted AGAINST the get-tough-on-illegal-immigration law named after Kate Steinle, the California woman who was shot to death while walking along a pier with her family.

Trump Thwarts Haley in Her Native South Carolina, Rolls on to Michigan

  Sweeping a fourth consecutive primary by a significant margin, former President Donald Trump left South Carolina victorious on Saturday and on a roll heading into Michigan on Tuesday. Nikki Haley, two-term governor of South Carolina and a former United Nations ambassador in Trump’s administration, was overwhelmed in unofficial very early vote count totals. The race was called minutes after the closing of polls at 7 p.m. Eastern. South Carolinians, who do not register by party and could choose to vote in either but not both primaries, in early voting exceeded the more than 131,000 votes cast – about 4% – in the Democratic primary on Feb. 3 when 96% chose President Joe Biden . South Carolina has about 3.3 million registered voters and gets nine of the 538 Electoral College votes in November's general election. At stake in the South’s first Republican primary were 50 delegates at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on July 15-18. Twenty-nine went to Trump as

Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin Spreads Misinformation About Teen's Tragic Death

Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin is spreading misinformation about a teenager's tragic death in another state. The Democratic senator has failed to correct the comments even as additional information contradicts her narrative. To be clear: The death of Nex Benedict in Oklahoma is a tragedy. However, the fact of the matter is that no one knows yet how Benedict died. What is known is that, based on preliminary medical examiner's findings, Benedict did NOT die from trauma following a fight that involved the teen and a group of girls in an Oklahoma high school bathroom the day before Benedict died. Yet that did not stop Baldwin from calling Benedict's death a "killing," and further implying that "hate-filled violence" took the life of the teen. [caption id="attachment_161987" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Tammy Baldwin's post on Nex Benedict.[/caption] On Feb. 21, Baldwin wrote on X , " The killing of Nex B

The Illegitimate New York Lawsuit Against Trump Debunked [Up Against the Wall]

I previously analyzed Trump’s property valuations for his NY lawsuit and found them to be undervalued compared to Trump’s own financial statement values. Likewise, the court’s valuations were also far too low as well (primarily due to his highly valuable Mar-a-logo property). And since valuations can and do change every year, even monthly, how the court or attorney general can lock down the valuations like they are is beyond me, but then we know this is an illegitimate show trial. I have now looked at the judge’s decision to impose a nearly $350 million fine on Trump and his sons and businesses. I have to say, the convoluted ‘route’ that the judge took to justify his decision is shocking. It’s like a drunk trying to walk his way down the sidewalk, stumbling around; let’s just say that the justification was not a straight line. Interestingly, while you hear a lot about the lawsuit and the fine that was levied, you don’t hear much about the actual details, and that is because I don

Wisconsin GOP Congressmen: Evers Drew Congressional Maps He Wants Struck Down

Some of Wisconsin’s Republican congressmen say there is a problem with Gov. Tony Evers’ latest problems with the state’s political maps. Evers this week asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to take a look at the state’s congressional maps. "MONDAY: I signed fair maps for Wisconsin’s Legislature," Evers tweeted Wednesday. "NEXT UP: fair maps for our congressional districts." The liberal law firm The Elias Group has already asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to reconsider the state’s congressional maps, just like the court reconsidered the state’s legislative maps. The high court tossed those state maps back in December. But Wisconsin lawmakers ended the court’s review and replacement by passing Evers’ preferred maps for Assembly and Senate districts. Western Wisconsin Republican Congressman Derrick Van Orden on Wednesday pointed out the Congressional maps are also Evers’ own. “The maps are a 100% product of the Dems,” Van Orden said in a tweet. “Evers drew

Wisconsin Assembly Approves Plan to Splits Choice School Funding From Public Schools

Wisconsin is considering a massive shift in how public and choice schools get their money. The Wisconsin Assembly approved the plan to decouple the Racine and statewide school voucher programs, replacing the local property tax money that currently pays for those programs with state dollars. “Currently, legacy charter schools are completely funded by [general purpose revenues]. The Milwaukee Choice program will be funded completely by GPR by 2025,” Rep. Ellen Schutt, R-Clinton, said. “What this bill does, is says that new independent charter schools, and the rest of the choice program should also be funded by GPR and not by aid-reductions from the local school district.” That would shift millions of dollars for choice schools in Wisconsin from local school districts to the state. It would also mean a steadier and more reliable stream of dollars for choice schools. “Decoupling resolves an issue that involves how the current funding mechanism affect public schools and property

Eric Hovde Bio: Senate Candidate Has Deep Roots in Wisconsin, 'Is 3rd Generation Wisconsinite'

"I am a third-generation Wisconsinite," businessman Eric Hovde, who is running for U.S. Senate, says. The grainy photo shows a young Eric Hovde standing with his father in front of the family's Maple Bluff, Wisconsin, home. The photo illustrates the U.S. Senate candidate's deep Wisconsin roots, which go back three generations, to the 1800s. Hovde, a conservative, announced his candidacy on Feb. 20 under the slogan, "Restore the American dream." Hovde's opponents - and Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin - have tried to smear Hovde as a "California banker." To help educate Wisconsin voters on their choices, Wisconsin Right Now took a deep dive into Hovde's background to sort out fact from fiction. What we found is an entrepreneur with long-standing Wisconsin ties - a Wisconsin boy who left the state after college to try his hand at business but returned because he wanted his daughter to learn Wisconsin values and go to high scho

Assembly Majority Leader Puts Responsibility on Milwaukee to Restore Faith in Vote Count

The number-two in the Wisconsin Assembly says if lawmakers can’t come to terms on an early count law, it is up to Milwaukee to restore the voters’ faith in their election operation. Assembly Majority Leader Tyler August, R-Lake Geneva, said Republicans in the Senate should vote on the plan. If they don't, August said, then Milwaukee’s election managers need to act. “It's incumbent upon the city of Milwaukee to get their act together and count those ballots during the day and have that done so that there isn't constantly this question about the processes in the city of Milwaukee,” August said. Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu said he doesn’t have the votes to pass Monday Count legislation. It would allow Milwaukee to count ballots the day before election day in order to avoid an after-midnight vote dump. Milwaukee uses a central count location, and election managers in the city say that slows down the counting of absentee ballots. Many times, that leaves a lul

Denver Schools Facing 'Unprecedented Challenge' With Influx of Migrant Students

  Denver’s public school system has been taking in as many as 250 new students a week since the new year, which it attributes to the increase in the number of migrants arriving in the city. Denver Public Schools Superintendent Alex Marrero called the situation an “unprecedented challenge” in a message to the community posted on the district’s website. The district said the influx of new students will cost an additional $837,000 “to support additional needs across the system.” From July 1, 2023 to January 2024, there were 3,221 new-to-country students with more than 1,300 coming to Denver schools since Oct. 1, 2023, the district stated. The district is hiring more staff to deal with the increase in students and focusing on hiring people who are bilingual, according to the superintendent. “The pace of new arrivals has remained steady since the start of 2024, with roughly 200-250 students joining us each week,” a report to the school board stated last week. On Feb. 5, the

Wisconsin Assembly Eyes Limits on Governor’s Veto Powers

Republicans in the Wisconsin Assembly are taking the first step to reign in some of the governor’s veto power. Lawmakers on Tuesday took up Assembly Joint Resolution 112, which would change the Wisconsin Constitution to stop the governor from raising a tax or a fee on his own. “Wisconsin's unique partial veto is considered one of the most powerful policy tools in the country,” Rep. Amanda Nedweski, R-Pleasant Prairie, told reporters. “From Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson's infamous Vanna White veto to Democrat Gov. Tony Evers 402-year tax increase, we have seen abuse of the partial veto addressed with proposed constitutional amendments by legislatures nearly 30 times in the last century.” Nedweski said this proposed constitutional amendment would apply to Evers specifically but would apply to all future governors as well by banning the governor from single-handedly increasing taxes or creating fees. “The will of the people is the law of the land, not the will of the go

Eric Hovde: Why He's Announcing Tuesday Against Tammy Baldwin [Exclusive Interview]

Wisconsin - The word from a confidential source says that Eric Hovde, a native cheesehead, will announce his run for Wisconsin’s U.S. senate seat Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 20, and he will attempt to unseat progressive/socialist Tammy Baldwin (Disclaimer: This is a column on Hovde and not an endorsement by Wisconsin Right Now.) Eric, age 59, a successful entrepreneur, grew up in a small village surrounded by Madison where the governor’s mansion resides, so he’s used to being surrounded by liberals and, yet, he has remained true to his conservative beliefs. (Disclosure: I delivered the newspaper to their family when I was a teen, where his mother would invite me in during the cold winter months for hot cocoa when carriers would collect monthly cash payments in those days.) For the last number of years, Hovde has lived in the liberal Village of Shorewood Hills surrounded by an army of liberals, but don’t hold that against him. Hovde is a true conservative, and that upbringing in left

Gov. Tony Evers Signs his Own Legislative Maps Into Law

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers signed into law new legislative maps Monday morning that will reshape both assembly and senate districts throughout the state. Evers signed the bill he received from Republican lawmakers last week implementing new maps that will weaken Republicans' control of the legislature. The maps, which Evers drew, move dozens of incumbent Republicans into new districts. The new maps may give Democrats control of the Legislature. Last Week, Democratic lawmakers voted against the maps, arguing the state Supreme Court should pick the new maps instead. Evers has denied he gerrymandered Wisconsin with his maps that would give Democrats control over the state legislature. Instead, he calls them fair maps. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos told reporters last week that his strategy was aimed not just at getting the least-worst maps for Republicans but also aimed at getting on with the 2024 elections and avoiding a multi-million-dollar court battle. “We begin the c

On Wisconsin Teenage Worker Bill, Democrats Prove How Out of Touch They Are [WRN VOICES]

It’s rare for someone—even the Democrats—to be this out of touch, with this many people, all at the same time. The issue is instantly understandable for any parent, any employed adult, any employer, not to mention anyone who has been a teenager themselves: Your very first job is life-changing. Everyone’s got a story of their first job. For some, it’s fond memories and lifelong friends. For others, it’s real-world experience and a little extra money in your pocket. It may have even driven you into or out of a particular industry. Every life story includes some kind of lesson you wouldn’t have learned any other way. That’s why the Democrats’ opposition to a bill in the Wisconsin Legislature right now is so strange. The bill, Rep. Clint Moses’s AB 442/SB 436, would extend a pro-jobs teenage worker reform originally passed in 2017 to a wider age range. The reform itself is pretty simple—eliminating the need for a “government permission slip” for a teenager to be able to accept a jo

Fitchburg Loses Its Backbone, Caves to 'Cop City' Nonsense [WRN VOICES]

Recently the city of Atlanta, Georgia, has been in the news regarding the construction of a government building that is being built for a public safety training center. The Atlanta Public Training Center, deemed “Cop City” by those opposing such, is designed to provide specialized training for both police and fire departments. Anti-police activists have targeted this construction with actual acts of terror, saying it will militarize police and endanger communities. The building area has been vandalized numerous times, and protests about the construction have resulted in a police car being set on fire, fireworks being set off, windows in businesses in Atlanta smashed, and other such mayhem. Closer to home, we have our own “Cop City.” The town of Fitchburg proposed that a $47 million facility be constructed to support the police department. The department itself is currently housed in the basement of the Fitchburg City Hall. The police chief, who previously served in Milwaukee, Alf

Gov. Evers Is Taking Action on His Own Legislative Maps MONDAY MORNING

Gov. Tony Evers is taking action on his own legislative maps on Monday morning, Wisconsin Right Now has learned. Sources say the governor has scheduled a 9 a.m. press conference at the State Capitol, and he's billing it as taking action on his own maps proposal (t echnically Senate Bill 488 ), sources told WRN. The Republican-controlled Legislature passed that bill, essentially sending Evers' own maps to his desk, despite the fact that most Democrats voted against it. Evers is then touring the state and holding press conferences in Hudson and Superior, the sources said. Whether that all means Evers will sign or veto the maps is not clear. However, it seems unlikely that he would veto the maps and then hold press conferences about it around the state. More likely, he's going to hold press conferences touting the maps as "fair," even though they are anything but - they rig it so that Democrats seize control of the Legislature under multiple credible scenario

Scott Walker Endorses Roger Roth for Congress

Former Republican Gov. Scott Walker has endorsed Roger Roth for U.S. Congress. Roth, an entrepreneur, former lieutenant governor candidate, and former state Senate president, is running for the 8th Congressional District seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher. Roth, a Republican, is also a combat veteran. "Roger Roth is the kind of conservative fighter that the people of northeast Wisconsin need in Congress," Walker wrote in a statement. "He is a home builder who knows how to put people to work, a veteran who knows how to serve his country, and a conservative who puts his faith in the people instead of the government," Walker said. "Roger's been an unflinching champion of lower taxes, empowering families through universal school choice, and ensuring that our elections are safe and secure. I'm proud to endorse Roger Roth for Congress!" Walker said. Walker's endorse