
Showing posts from December, 2023

Wisconsin Right Now's LOSERS of the Year for 2023

Sorry to be depressing, but there’s a pretty long loser list this year. The people who think they won aren't really winners because their policy choices are harming the state, which is making us all losers . The rule of law and voters were big losers this year thanks to that classless clown show, Wisconsin’s rogue Supreme Court, which is presiding over a new era of chaos and lawlessness, contempt for voters, juvenile score-keeping, and partisan game-playing. They're trashing an important institution. The new class of Democratic "election deniers" - the Maine Secretary of State, the Colorado Supreme Court Alvin Bragg, etc. - join Wisconsin's liberal justices on the list for trying to obliterate free and fair elections in this country. Reckless partisan prosecutors - the guy in New York, the lady down in Georgia - engaged in dangerous anything-goes lawfare because they don't want voters to be able to choose their preferred candidate in the ballot box. In W

Wisconsin Elector Speaks: We've Been Vindicated [WRN Voices]

A Wisconsin elector speaks... After three years and a lot of emotional drama the lawsuits against Wisconsin’s Republican Electors have ended. I was one of the electors. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent on attorney’s fees. Was there a basis for these lawsuits? Were the electors fake? Wisconsin’s Republican electors followed the same path that Democrats have followed in the past. We acted to protect the votes of 1.6 million Republican voters. We did it with the knowledge that if Donald Trump prevailed in his legal challenge, it was the only way that Wisconsin’s electoral votes could be counted. In December of 2020 the Executive Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, Mark Jefferson, contacted me and told me that the attorneys were advising us to assemble at the state Capitol and cast our ballots. We needed to do this so that if a court ruled that Donald Trump won Wisconsin those ballots could be counted. Given the circumstances surrounding the election, th

Wisconsin Legislature Demands Liberal Justices Not Plunge 2024 Election Into Chaos

The state Legislature moved the liberal-controlled state Supreme Court to reconsider its unprecedented Christmas holiday "re-do" decision throwing out already-decided legislative maps, accusing the court's majority of pushing through the case at "record speed" to favor Democrats and fulfill a "campaign promise. According to the Legislature' December 29 filing, the court's action will "needlessly disrupt the electoral process, prejudicing candidates, including siting legislators, and voters. Candidates will not know until the eve of election deadlines, or perhaps later, what the redrawn districts will look like." "There is not enough time before the 2024 elections to fully litigate this case," the December 29 filing states. The Republican-controlled Legislature says the four liberals on the court have not "meaningfully considered the par- ties’ arguments and has instead pre-decided them in a decision writ- ten and cir

Campaign 2024: Predicting a 'Disruption Event' [Up Against the Wall]

Let’s face it, the Iowa caucuses are only a short three weeks away, and Trump is in the lead. In 2015, 15 months before his election, I predicted Trump would win. That was a taking a leap of faith then, but regular joes on the street were whispering to me they intended to vote for him. This year, it’s a little more difficult. Yes, he’ll likely be the party nominee, but whether he’ll be on the ballot or in prison or bankrupted by that crazy as* NY prosecutor who got herself elected by promising to prosecute Trump, is a lot more difficult to predict. One thing is for sure. The Republican Party should do everything it can to keep the other backup candidates in the race for the nomination. Why? Because a.) This isn’t a track race where it’s every man (or woman) for himself. It’s the Tour de France - it’s a race where your teammates are supposed to block the wind and block opponents for you, where they’re supposed to run down and run ragged the team leader’s primary adversary, wearing

The Shredding of the Constitution in Colorado: The Left's Lawfare Against Trump

What next? What else can Democrats pull from their bag of tricks to try to defeat Donald Trump and Republicans in general as they work to undermine the 2024 election? That’s what I found myself asking after the 4-3 ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court to remove Trump from the 2024 primary ballot. It’s been one thing after another—from Russian collusion, to two impeachments (including one after Trump was out of office), to numerous lawsuits, indictments, and arrests, to now 31 cases seeking to remove Trump from the ballot—with over a dozen still pending. The left is hell bent on stopping Trump by any means necessary. They have used lawfare and weaponized our government to go after those associated with him in any way. It’s tyrannical, and it’s showing total desperation by the left and the Democrat Party. You don’t have to like Trump to see what is going on here. Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign, blasted the ruling in a statement. “Unsurprisingly, the all-Democ

Wisconsin Supreme Court Maps Decision: 9 Things That Should Enrage You

These 9 things should enrage every Wisconsinsite. To fully appreciate how outrageous and nakedly partisan the Wisconsin Supreme Court's 4-3 redistricting decision really is, you have to read all 230-plus pages of it . Since the court's four liberal horsewomen dumped this judicial monstrosity right before Christmas, we've read it for you, so you don't have to. The decision is a mockery of justice, it obliterates previously precedent and long-standing tradition, and it is a blatant partisan power grab by a court that is supposed to be politically neutral. "This is good, old-fashioned power politics," swing Justice Brian Hagedorn wrote in a stinging dissent. Reminder: The state Constitution gives the Legislature, currently Republican controlled, the power to choose redistricting maps. Legislative maps are supposed to be redrawn every 10 years following the census, as they were in 2020, not every time another justice is elected with $10 million in partisa

Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin Caves to Anti-Israel Protesters on Hamas Ceasefire

The Tammy Baldwin ceasefire flip-flop came after she was hounded for weeks by pro-Palestinian protesters. U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin has caved into pressure from Anti-Israel protesters and is now calling for Israel to engage in a ceasefire with the terrorist group even though she said just days ago that a ceasefire is "really asking Israel to unilaterally stop and we know Hamas won’t." Baldwin's action comes just days after Wisconsin Right Now first revealed that Baldwin had become a TikTok trend , after Pro-Palestinian activists confronted Baldwin in a video in which she appeared rattled and did not directly address their concerns or defend Israel. Some of the videos have been viewed thousands of times, as was our story. Baldwin's about-face also came after she met with the group World Beyond War after it and other groups conducted a sit-in at her office. She has been repeatedly confronted by pro-Palestinian activists in recent weeks, who demanded she capit

Two 10-Year-old Boys Dead After Vehicle Fleeing From Waukesha County Deputies Crashes

Two 10-year-old boys are dead after a vehicle that was fleeing from Waukesha County deputies was involved in a rollover crash in the town of Delafield. The sheriff's department said the driver, a 25-year-old man, was in critical condition. A 6-year-old girl was taken to Children's Wisconsin by Flight for Life. A 14-year-old girl was also taken to Children's Wisconsin by ambulance. A 28-year-old woman passenger is in stable condition. The relationship of the occupants is unknown at this time. It is not believed the vehicle was stolen, police said. Waukesha County Sheriff Severson said the driver did have an active arrest warrant for felon in possession of a firearm. According to law enforcement, shortly before midnight on Wednesday, a Waukesha County deputy tried stopping the vehicle for speeding and no license plates near Prospect Avenue and I-94. The vehicle failed to stop and a pursuit began on Golf Road from Prospect Avenue in Pewaukee. The vehicle crashed, rol

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson, Public Safety Chair Expect Investigation into Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief

Milwaukee's mayor and the chair of the city's Public Safety Committee both say they expect a Milwaukee Police Department investigation into allegations that Asst. Police Chief Steve Johnson ordered foot patrols in an area that includes his own home. "The Mayor anticipates the police department will look into the circumstances described in this report. His expectation is that public safety resources be deployed appropriately," Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson's spokesman told WRN. [caption id="attachment_158909" align="alignleft" width="204"] Milwaukee Alderman Scott Spiker[/caption] Milwaukee Alderman Scott Spiker, who is the chairman of the City's Public Safety and Health Committee told WRN, "This is a very serious accusation and should be investigated fully." Their comments came after Wisconsin Right Now's exclusive investigative piece reporting Sunday that Johnson has ordered two-man foot patrols that